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Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Training Simulator with Repositionable Placenta

This high­fidelity female pelvic simulator can be used with ultrasound for CVS training. This significant advancement replaces the in situ training of obstetricians on female patients. This model has been designed to accept amniotic sacs, with varying placenta locations, to teach multiple approaches to high risk procedures that involve the removal of a minute portion of the synthetic placenta in the simulated uterus.


This unique simulation environment is the only one of its kind in the world thanks to the guidance and medical expertise of Dr. Rory Windrim, Dr. Greg Ryan, Dr. Johannes Keunen and Dr. Darine El­Chaar (Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto).


This simulator was featured at a national symposium at Mount Sinai Hospital on April 3rd, 2015. This simulator was also presented in a research poster entitled, “A High Fidelity Simulator for Teaching Invasive Procedures in Fetal Medicine.” Authors: El­Chaar D, LeBouthillier F, Ryan G, Windrim R. Poster presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting Banff Alberta. Feb. 2014). Please click here for research poster:

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